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board of members

The board of ITALIA SOLARE is elected by the members and represents the entire solar photovoltaic chain from technology manufacturers to system owners.
The Board of Directors and the Committee of independent experts remain in charge for three years.


Paolo Rocco Viscontini

President Italia Solare Coordinator of production chain and sustainable procurement

vice presidents

Andrea Brumgnach

Vice-president and co-coordinator of the CER and widespread self-consumption group

Laura Onnis

Emiliano Pizzini

Rolando Roberto

Coordinator of agriPV and PV in the territory group

Board of Members

Diego Arbizzoni

Marco Balzano

Coordinator of agriPV and PV in the territory group

Illuminato Bonsignore

Daniela Carriera

Stefano Cavriani

Coordinator of Power Market Working Group

Claudio Conti

Coordinator communication, marketing and training group

Alberto Cuter

Edouard Dupuy

Coordinator finance group

Fulvio Ferrari

Giovanna Licata

Tiziano Mariani

Coordinator of the Taxations Working Group

Annarita Mitola

Coordinator O&M and Asset Management Task Force

Mauro Moroni

Coordinator of storage and hydrogen group

Valerio Natalizia

Andrea Parrini

Francesco Pezone

Coordinator regions and local governments group

Attilio Piattelli

Gianluca Proietti

Andrea Rovera

Coordinator supply chain and sustainable procurement group

Maria Sabella

Coordinator finance group

Emilio Sani

Coordinator National and European legislation group

Claudia Vannoni

Andrea Voigt

Coordinator international relations group

Andrea Zanotti

Coordinator connections, measurements and technical regulations group

Indipendent Experts

Averaldo Farri

Gianluigi Piccinini

Giuseppe Sofia


Luciano Barra

Institutional affairs

Cecilia Bergamasco

Press, Communication and Marketing Office - Communication and Marketing Working Group Coordinator

Federico Brucciani

General Secretary

Mariangela Finamore

Communication and Press Office

Silvano Gallo

Technical consultant

Francesca Lanzetti

Support for members

Francesco Orecchia

Data analysis and processing

Barbara Padovan

Event and sponsorship management

Elisabetta Petrini

Institutional affairs